Sunday, May 23, 2010

Road Trip New Mexico

I am posting this from one of my favorite places. I am in Santa Fe New Mexico.
I can get here in a short drive from Denver. I was not able to get here in 2009.
This is a research trip , I learn what to do about improving my art life in Denver, as a result of the NM jaunts.

People who live in art colonies tend to be complacent about art career progress and marketing. It's easy to get comfortable in a place where people tend to spend money on art with a little effort.

In Denver, which is not an art destination, one has to hustle to sell.
Personally , I like the hustle, I intend to do as well as I can on purpose.
I am not a starving artist by design, I just do the nusts and bolts stuff.

More later.

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