Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Business is Business

I am a year older and wiser, I am really going to focus on the promotion of me. The art life is whatever an artist wants it to be.
No effort, no results , I say.
I have a lot of fun, dreaming up different ways to get my work sold.
It's an artful process to me.
I am like Miles Davis, I just improvise. DIG?!!!!
I intend to heat and eat as an artist, no matter what, to old and bold not to .
I am having a great art life on purpose.
My friend and colleague Lorenzo Chavez and I, brainstorm on the phone often, about making the art life work for us.
It' just part of the process of being a successful artist, I am old enough to say that.
I'll pass on my information to any artist that want's to know how to not starve.
Just hit me with the Google.


Art Haunts Me said...

Thank you for passing on your immense knowledge on this subject. I'm forever indebted to you for it.
Many happy times for the holidays and beyond.

GYST Ink said...

I just wanted to share some resources for artists on the business of art. We are an artist run company called Getting Your Sh*t Together, that provides information and support services to artists and we have over 500 pages of FREE resources. We also develop software and publications. Check us out at http://www.gyst-ink.com

Keep up the good work!